Monday, October 6, 2008

I thOught u wEre miNe..=(

I thought you were mine,
But that was just my imagination
running to its fullest.

I thought you were mine;
But you proved me wrong
By sleeping with my best friend

I thought you were mine,
But the evidence shows different,
You love her, not me.

I was just a tool,
Used by you,
Even though I loved you,
It's not enough.
It takes two to love

It takes two to tango,
It takes two to chat
It takes two to argue,
It takes two to be in a relationship.

I thought you were mine,
But it takes two to be true.

I wish you the best,
With my best friend,
Because I realize that you two have time
to tango, chat, argue, and be in a relationship

All the things you don’t want to have with me,
Even though is saddens me,
Maybe it’s for the best...

It’s better to have loved and lost,
Than never to have loved at all,
So, in the end...all the pain you put me through...
Well, it was worth it.

Even though I thought you were mine,
I realize that’s not true.

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